Hyundai i-30: ABS (Anti-Lock Brake System) / Components and components location
1. ABS Control
Module (HECU)
2. Front Wheel Speed Sensor
3. Rear Wheel Speed Sensor
4. ABS Warning
5. EBD / Parking brake warning lamp
1. ABS Control
Module (HECU)
2. Front Wheel Speed Sensor
3. Rear Wheel Speed Sensor
4. ABS Warning
5. EBD / Parking brake warning lamp
This specification applies to HCU (Hydraulic Control Unit) and ECU (Electronic
Control Unit) of the HECU. (Hydraulic and Electronic Control Unit)
This specification is for the wiring design and installation of ABS ECU...
Other information:
Components and components location
1. Front wheel
speed sensor
2. Front wheel
speed sensor cable
Repair procedures
Loosen the wheel nuts slightly...
Description and operation
It generates the oil pressure and temperature information (output voltage) to
control the pump operation proportional control valve in variable oil pump system.
It measures the oil pressure and temperature discharged from the oil pump and
transmits the pressure information to ECM...
To signal a turn, push down on the
lever for a left turn or up for a right
turn in position (A). To signal a lane
change, move the turn signal lever
slightly and hold it in position (B).The
lever will return to the OFF position
when released or when the turn is
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